Community Groups

Community Groups
At The Chapel

Community Groups provide people with the opportunity to connect with others, experience the tangible love of Jesus, and be continually revived in their relationship with Christ. While most of our Community Groups meet in person, we also have groups that meet with each other online. We study together, share prayer requests, and catch up with each other about how we’re doing. We need each other, and we praise God that we have the technology to connect, even when physically apart.

“A New Commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
— John 13:34-35

Why Participate In Community Groups?

God is three-persons in one being: Father, Son & Holy Spirit, existing in an eternal community of harmony and life. When his followers live in harmonious community – loving and serving each other selflessly – the world sees the eternal glory of God brought into our time.

Chapel Community Groups are environments formed where three things can happen that bring the glory of Jesus more fully into expression: Connection, Care and Discipleship.


Being known and being loved is the cry of the soul. The beauty of the Gospel is that through His grace in Christ, God knows every detail of our life (thoughts and deeds) and loves us. Our aim is that through gospel-centered Community Groups we will experience the love and connection we naturally crave.


Within a community there are deeply wounded and hurting people. Additionally, we all need support and encouragement. Community Groups should be a place where a Christian not only feels known and loved through connection to others, but cared for through prayer, empathy, and the meeting of real felt needs.


Jesus has not simply called Christians to live together, but to be his faithful followers together. The ‘Great Commission’ of Jesus is that we would “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:18-20) Chapel Community Groups have the aim of spurring growth as disciples – in what we learn and how we apply what we learn.

Community Groups

*Childcare provided

Valley Glen


6:30 pm
Jon & Bella Thomasson

Pasadena — East


7:00 pm
Ed & Arianne Heupler

Pasadena Women*


9:30 am at The Chapel
Brooke Crabb

Pasadena — South


6:30 pm
Jonah Kang

San Gabriel


6:00 pm
Wayne & Erica Lee

Pasadena — South Arroyo


7:00 - 8:30 pm
Mich & Lou Anne Bergesen

Young Families*


5:30 - 7:30 pm
Isaiah & Aubree Lin

Join a Community Group Today!